Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First Day of Fall!!

According to google, the first day of fall for the USA is Today!!

I love Fall, it is my favorite season of all (hence, the reason I got married in early Nov)!! It makes me feel happy, I don't know how to explain but I feel more cozy and warm. I love all the deep warm colors that come along with Fall. I start to think about the holiday seasons that are ahead, and I get so excited. I love decorating for Fall, and Christmas. I start to think about Traditions that are going to be continued into this holiday season, and new Traditions that will be made. This year will be Jonah's 2nd Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm so excited about it b/c he will be more into this year than last. I've already started looking at the hallmark ornament catalog to try to pick out his ornament for this year. This is one of the several traditions that will continue... Every year we will pick out Jonah a special ornament, we will put it on our tree, then we he gets married and him and his wife have their own tree, I will give Jonah all of his ornaments. We will be adding the elf on the shelf to our Traditions this year!!

What are some Traditions that you do??

I have started keeping a baby boy at my house during the week. His name is Quaid and he is 8 weeks today, he is so sweet and so cute. Jonah is not Quaid's biggest fan at all, he crawled up to him yesterday and started telling him "bye bye" as if trying to say "you can leave now". Atleast having Quaid around will get Jonah use to having a baby so that when Chris and I do decide to have another child, Jonah won't be jealous of his baby brother/sister!! Next month I will start keeping a baby girl named Emma.

Our little family have been doing great! I am so in love with both of the guys in my life.

Have a great day!! Post about your Traditions on my comments, I would love to hear them!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Going to start doing better!!

I haven't updated this blog since December '09! So much has changed since then, Jonah has turned 1 year old, we are in our home, I don't work for Central School anymore, Lendie has moved back home... the list just goes on and on!! I have decided to try to start this up again after ordering a disc from the babysite that I updated weekly on my pregnancy with Jonah. I love looking back and seeing how everything in life has just progressed.

So this is the fresh start...

Jonah is so big and is learning something new everyday. He still hasn't started walking on his own yet, but if you hold his hand he will cruise everywhere. I honestly think that he is not worried about walking b/c he gets everywhere he wants to go just fine. He is almost 13 months old which is just crazy!! He had a wonderful 1st Birthday party!! He talks all of the time, I can't even sit here and list off everything that he can say b/c he learns a new word almost everyday. He is starting to repeat what we see, which makes me have to think twice before I say certain things. I don't curse but little things like telling the dogs to "shut up" when they won't stop barking is going to be hard to stop. Jonah now has a play room, and he finally will call in the room by himself and play. He loves to play with any toys he can push around or walk with. He especially loves his 4 wheeler, It is so cute and funny to watch him get on it and push the button to go! He is completely off of baby food and bottles. I have packed up all of his bottles, so our kitchen is now bottle free, formula free, and baby food free. His favorite things to eat are Mac and Cheese, Green Beans, Sloppy Joes, Sandwhiches. He eats everything that I cook for us for supper. He absolutely loves his Milk, which makes me so happy!! I do not like milk at all, but he doesn't need to know that!

Chris and I are doing amazing. we love our house and love living in Watson, there is no other place I would rather live! Lendie and the kids have moved into their new house which is next door to us, Jason wil be joining as soon as he is out of the Army. I will start keeping kids at my house starting next Wednesday. Quaid is the first baby boy I will be getting, he will be 7 weeks old. I'm hoping he will fill my want for another baby b/c I will have him 5 days a week. In October I will be getting a baby girl named Emma. Both of the babies moms are teachers so I will have off a week for Christmas and Thanksgiving, plus all holidays, plus the summer and to top it all off i'm making more money now than I did when I was leaving Jonah 5 days a week!!!

Life is going great, and we have so many exciting things to look forward too: The arrival of Zachary Keith Gehling and Avrey David Estess, The marriage of Ashlie Gremillion and Jacob Bourgeois, and The coming home of Jason McAlister! Looks like the rest of 2010 is going to bring a lot of Joy! Have a wonderful rest of the week!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

We'll be in our home for Christmas!!

It's been a while since I last updated and sooo much has been going on!

This past weekend was a blast. Friday night I went to hobby lobby with my girlfriend Stacey to pick up stuff for some crafts I want to start doing. Stacey is a wonderful girl who works with me and is so talented when it comes to craft stuff, I thank God everyday for moving Stacey and her husband to Louisiana!! Saturday night we went on a double date to J. Alexander's then back to their house to work on the crafts. Sunday we took family pictures with a wonderful photographer named Karmen Fletcher. We went to the West Baton Rouge Museum in Port Allen. I love all of the pictures and can't wait to hang some in the house.

Thursday is my last day at work until January.

We are closing on our house 9:00 AM on Friday!!! We are so excited!!

We will be busy moving and unpacking all weekend. My family is coming over Christmas Eve and staying the night to have Christmas morning at our house. I have a tree bought just waiting to go up at our house! I can't stand for things to be unsettled, so my stomach churns when I think about all that I have to get done. I can't wait for everyone to be able to get together at our house!

Saturday the majority of the girls are going to order bridesmaids dresses for Ashlie and Jacob's wedding. I won't be able to make it, but I hope everyone has fun ordering them!

Jonah is such a big boy!! Not only are we closing on house Friday, but Jonah also has a 4 month check up Friday. I know he is going to weigh around 17 pounds. He is such a happy, and good baby! He loves to smile and laugh. We're so blessed to have such a wonderful little boy! He has found his voice, and man does he love to talk!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lots going on!!

So we have so much exciting news!!

Jonah is doing great, he had to go last week and get his 2 month shots. His weight was 13 pounds 9 ounces. I can't belive how big he is getting! He can now roll over from his stomach to his back!! Everytime I look at him I just thank God for blessing me with him!! He has become the happiest baby ever, he never fusses anymore unless he is hungry. He also loves watching TV, his favorite show is "Max and Ruby". We brought him to Boo at the Zoo this past weekend. We had so much fun. We went with Tristen(an old friend of mine)and her son Brayden. I loved loved loved catching up with her and walking around the zoo!

Our house is coming along so fast! Our closing date is going to be November 20!!!! We are so thrilled! We will be moving the weekend before and the week of Thanksgiving.
This means that we are not going to be able to go to Lendie's house for Thanksgiving which makes me sad, because i've been looking forward to it all year! They will be coming down to Louisiana on December 14, so it won't be too much longer.

I started back work on Oct. 12. I cried the night before and the morning of going back to work. I miss Jonah everyday while i'm away from him, but I do love my job. I work with some of the most amazing people! I have made new friends that I know I will continue to be close friends with through the years.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Visit to Georgia

Jonah had his first road trip this past week. We went to Georgia to welcome Jack Benjamin McAlister into the world. We drove up on Wednesday September 23. Jonah did so great on the drive.It took us 10 hours to get to Lendie's house. Jonah slept the majority of the way, we stopped every 3 hours to feed him and change his diaper. He did not cry when I would put him back in his seat. It's almost like he knew it was going to be a long drive. Before Jack was born we had a blast hanging out and going to downtown Dahlonega.

Jack was born on September 29. He weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces and was 20 inches long. Jack's birth was one of the sweetest events I have ever been able to witness in my life. I was in the room video taping Lendie pushing (nothing down there) and after Jack was born. I was not able to experience Jonah's birth the way that I had wanted to, so it was so special to be able to be apart of Jack being born. Jonah was even in the room when Jack was born. My mom was in the back of the room rocking Jonah while Lendie was pushing. Jonah did not make a single noise the whole time. You would've never known that Jonah was in the room other than just seeing him there. Jack's birth is something that I will never forget and something I will cherish in my memory and heart forever. Also, Jonah and Jack will be able to say that they were both in the room when each other was born (Jack was still in the womb but it counts).Lendie and Jack came home on Sept. 30 and are both doing great!! Today, one of Lendie's friends are coming over the take pictures of the boys. I'm so excited about Jonah getting some nice pictures made and not having to pay for them! We have had so much fun playing with the boys! Jack is such a little sweetheart, it breaks my heart that we have to leave tomorrow. He is going to be so much bigger the next time that I see him. I cannot wait for Jason to get out of the Army, and for them to move back home. Jonah and Jack are going to be inseperable I just know it!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wonderful Weekend!

Friday night Chris and Jonah took me out on a date!! Before we went out on our date we met up with the builder of our house and picked out everything for our house. After meeting with the builder, we drove to Perkins Rowe and went out to eat at the Grillroom. Jonah did so great!! There was a band playing in the resturant and Jonah just sat in his seat looking around. He didn't fuss the first time! After eating we walked around Perkins Rowe, Jonah loves to be strolled around! It was the best date I've ever been on, my first date with "My Boys"!!
Saturday we rode out to our house, and to different furniture stores (we're just looking). Again, Jonah did great! He is really just the best little boy!! I smile everytime I just think about him. After going to some furniture stores we came back home and watched the LSU Football game.
Sunday was Jonah's first time to go to church. He loved it!! He loved the music during Praise and Worship, he also loved all of the lights! We loved being able to bring him to church!!

Here are some pictures from our Friday night date and Sunday before church...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lots of Exciting things!!

The most exciting news that I have is that Jack should be here in a little over a week!! Jonah and I are riding to Georgia with my mom next Wednesday to stay until Jack is born! I cannot wait to meet my new nephew! It is so exciting to think about all of the fun times Jonah and Jack are going to have growing up together! I am so happy and proud of my sister! She is already such a wonderful mom to Emmy Kate, Jack is so blessed to have Lendie for a mommy! I look up to Lendie so much and hope that I can be as wonderful as a mom to Jonah as she is to Emmy & Jack.

The 2nd most exciting news that I have is Jonah can put himself to sleep (sometimes). He'll lay in bed, look around, make a few noises, and then fall asleep. It is the sweetest thing in the world!

The 3rd most exciting news is that our house is coming along so well!! It is now framed!! The builder Mr. Easterly said that framing the house is the fastest part of building a house. Chris and I will meet with him and the realtors sometime before next Wednesday to pick out our colors, flooring, brick, vinyl siding, and shingles!! I'm so excited!! We ride out to our house atleast twice a week. I love being able to walk into each room and visualize how i'm going to set it up!!