Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 29, 2008

Next is New Year's!!

We had a wonderful Christmas!

On Christmas Eve Chris and I went to church and it was such a beautiful service!! We sang Christmas Carols and then took Communion as a family. It was so nice. They had two tables set up at the front of the church, then when the ushers came to your row just you and your family would go up and take Communion together. I thought that made it very special!!
After Church we went back to my parents house. Lendie, Jason, and Emmy had made it to my parents house while we we're at church. It was exciting to see them!! Then Amber, Cole, Claudia, and Sophia came over. Nicky had to work so he couldn't make it. My mom had made a huge thing of seafood gumbo. We ate and then opened our Christmas presents. My parents got us a Garmin GPS!!! Chris and I decided not to go all out this year and spend a lot of money for Christmas so we only spent $30-$40 on each other. He got me the Disney Scene It game, which I have wanted for such a long time!! We have played so many times already, I absolutly love my gift! I got him an LSU shirt(which he looks so hott in) and the Iron Man dvd! He loved his gift as well!!
On Christmas Day we went to his parents house. His parents got me the cutest apron that is polka dotted and has my inital on it. Grandmother gave us a $50 gift card to J. Alexander's!! His sister got me the scrabble game and the baby a blanket!! We love everything that we recieved on Christmas!!
Today is Chris' first day back at work since Christmas Eve. It's sad here this morning b/c I want to be with him! We had a wonderful weekend though! Friday we went with my family to the movies and saw Four Christmases. Saturday we just hung out at the house, then Sunday we went with Lendie and Jason to PF Chang's and we saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It was a very good movie!!
Also yesterday Chris and I went to Destination Maternity to see if they were having any sales! They were!! I got a cute shirt for the summer for on $13 and a dress to wear to the two Graduations we have this year! I tried everything on with the belly that they have, and omg it was so cute!! We are 7 weeks today!! Time is just flying by!!

Have a Wonderful Day!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

3 days till Christmas!!!

Last Friday was our last day before Christmas/New years break!! So I now have 2 weeks off of work, which I am so thankful for!! I am so happy that I have 2 weeks off of work during the first trimester.

I thought I understood when people would talk about how sick and tired they were all the time in their first trimester, but nothing quit prepares you to go through it yourself! It is still hard to believe that i'm pregnant! It's easy to say i'm pregnant, but to actually realize that there is a growing baby inside of me just blows me away!! I don't understand how anyone cannot believe in God! How can people not see that this is a miracle from God! Do they not understand how complex pregnancy is?? Think of all of the vital organs that are being formed, I just don't see how people can actually question that!!

I'm done with my Christmas shopping, as horrible as it sounds Chris' present was the last present I had to buy. I don't know why but I just couldn't think of anything that I really wanted to get him. I am so excited about Christmas, this time of the year is just so joyful!! This Christmas will be a little different though... every Christmas since I can remember we have gotten together with my dads side of the family on Christmas Eve. It has never failed that we always knew what we were doing on Christmas Eve! We've been doing this since I was born. This is the first Christmas Eve in 22 years that we are not getting together with them. That is not even the weirdest thing about it though, the weirdest thing is that it was never even brought up! No one decided that we're not getting together, it was just never mentioned! As if we hadn't being doing it for the last 22 years. I don't know I just found that strange!!

We are getting together with our friends to celebrate Christmas on Tuesday the 23rd, we are going to eat and just enjoy spending time with each other. Then on Christmas Eve we are doing Christmas with my family. My mom is cooking a Seafood Gumbo and we are all going to exchange our gifts and be with the family! I am so excited to give all of the kids their gifts!! On Christmas day we are going to Chris' family to celebrate Christmas! Then Christmas night Lendie, Jason, and Emmy will be here to do Christmas! I can't wait for all the excitement to start tomorrow!!

Everyone have a wonderful day!
To those reading this that I won't be seeing... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

McAlister Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family websites - Family history

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Best Christmas Present Ever!!!


I've been feeling very strange lately, I don't know how to explain just a weird feeling. Also, my boobs have been growing if you believe it or not and they have been hurting and really really firm.

At work...
I went to work and throughout the day I just started feeling weird again, for the past couple of days I've been feeling like i'm going to start my period at any second but that hadn't happened either. That is not normal for me, normally when I feel the first cramp I know my cycle has started so I better hurry to the restroom. I had decided that when I left work I was going to go buy a pregnancy test at the store. I wasn't that excited b/c i've taken so many pregnancy test in the past 4 months that it felt like they were all going to be negative.
The test...
I had been holding my pee for about an hour when I finally got home b/c I didn't want to pee at work then not have to when I got home. So I started it off like you would any pregnancy test, and I watched. This was one of the test that if you are pregnant there will be a line in the square, and if your not pregnant there won't be a line. As i'm holding my test I start to see a line and that is the point I started to freak out!! I was crying, shaking, and not believing what I was seeing!!
20 min later...
I went into panic mode about how I was going to tell Chris. I had some m&m's personalized a while back that says we're pregnant but they were all the way at Ashlie's house, so that plan was out of the pictures. Then I remember this ornament that I had seen at hallmark and I knew how I was going to tell him. I ran to Hallmark, bought the ornament, and had it wrapped. I got home just as my mom was getting home. I called my sister, who I had already told earlier and told her mom was home and I was going to have to tell her. I sat the phone down on the counter with my sister still on the line. My mom came in the door and I had the biggest smile on my face, she asked "what is going on" then I said mom I'M PREGNANT!! I showed her the test and she started jumping up and down and crying.
The 2nd Test...
Me and my mom ran to Doctor Speeg's office here in Central and they gave me a pregnancy test as well. After the nurse looked at the test she said "YES YOU'RE PREGNANT" I freaked out again, went home, and took another test for fun!!
Surprising Christopher...
When he pulled up my heart started beating so fast, he walked in the door right away and said "The new canes is open, do you want to go eat there tonight" I said sure why not. In the back of my head i'm thinking we're not going to canes!! I went to the bedroom and started acted like I was doing something. When he came in the room I told him that I had gotten him something for being just an awesome husband and for taking living at my parents house so well. I handed him the present and he opened up this little ornament that is a minature onesie on a hanger and the onesie has the superman symbol on it. He said "aww baby it's cute" and I said "it's even cuter b/c WE'RE PREGNANT"!! He froze but with the biggest smile on his face. His eyes started watering and we just hugged and laughed together!!
Telling Everyone...
After I told Chris we started calling our families and telling them the good news. We went to his parents house and told his mom, dad, and sister in person. Everyone we have told has been so happy for us and we appreciate it so much!!
Now What...
Now we are constantly praying and believing for a full term pregnancy with the end result being a Healthy baby! We appreciate all the prayers that everyone will be praying for our little one!! We are so excited! Now the journey into pregnancy and parenthood begins!!

Snow Day

It doesn't happen that often, but it SNOWED in Louisiana!!!

That Fateful Morning....

I woke up at 5:15 on Thursday morning to my parents screaming it's snowing outside! I woke up for a little bit and looked at the snow then I went back to bed. I just knew that when I woke up at 6:10 school was going to be cancelled but to my surprise it wasn't so I started getting dressed. As I saw all of the other schools being closed I knew that eventually Central would announce it's closing, but didn't. At 7:15 I went outside to leave my house for work and my windshield wipers wouldn't work b/c of how heavy the snow was on them, so I got out to wipe the snow off. When I turned around to get back in my car I slipped down and slammed my head on the corner of my door!! I just knew that blood was about to start gushing from my head, but to my surprise it didn't. I called chris crying telling him that I had hurt myself and that I was trying to back out the drive way but couldn't do it! He told me that we was about to get off of work and he'd be home to help me soon. I went inside to wait for my knight in shining armor to come save me, when I saw on the news that both of the bridges were closed. That meant that my knight wasn't coming b/c he had been trapped! Then finally at 9:00 I found out that Central had cancelled school. So I went through all of that and for no reason!

That Afternoon.....
Chris didn't get home until 12:30 but we made the most of it, we went outside and had a snowball fight and we made a snowman!! Making a snowman is harder than what I thought!! For George's eyes, nose, and buttons we used small ornaments. With a pernament marker I made his buttons black.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sick of being sick!!

As I sit here typing this post my nose is running and my face is burning!! I am so sick of always catching whatever it is the kids in my class have!! I also have some weird rash on my face, which sucks!! You would think by now my body would have some kind of immunity built up against all this cold/allergy stuff that I've gotten a million times since August!

ok my pity party is over....

I wrapped all of the Christmas presents today! Since I didn't feel good and couldn't go do anything I thought it would be a good time to wrap the presents!! I wrapped all of mine and my mom's presents!! It was fun putting all the pretty ribbons and bows on the gifts!
Chris went to wal-mart and my dad got out the Christmas decorations. As we were hanging the ornaments on the tree I started thinking that this is the first time i've done the tree with my parents since i've been married. We had fun, and I enjoyed doing that with my parents.

Everything is going as smoothly as possible living at my parents house right now. It has its ups and downs, but the fact that we are getting out of debt makes it worth it!! We are very blessed to have parents that would allow us to stay at their house for free to help us out! We have been here for a little over 2 months and the time is just flying by!!

Only 2 more weeks left of school before Christmas break!! yay!! These couple weeks are going to fly by!! We have a play to go to this week at Central High, that kids are really excited! Then next week we get out early Wed. Thurs. & Fri. On next Thursday after school we are having our "grown up" Christmas party. Next Friday my kids are putting on a program and having their Christmas party! So work will be very busy!!

Amber hosted a jewelry party tonight for Lauryn which I didn't get to go to b/c i'm sick. I'm sure Lauryn did great and made some sells!!

I don't know when my girlfriends and I are having our Christmas party, so if someone would let me know that would be great!!

Well i'm going to go spend time with the hubby!

Have a Great Day!